Why to Use Brilliant-Exams.net?

Brilliant Exams has scientifically designed Plan, Study, Verify, Calibrate and Collaborate cycle after a lot of survey and study of the academic field. This approach of Brilliant-Exams.net not only overcomes so many short comings of the conventional paper based MCQ exams but also has a very big edge over other computer based MCQ examinations. The students, teachers, schools and organizations have much to gain and the benefits can be learnt by studying the features offered on the respective sections.

The biggest benefit worth highlighting though is the detailed analytics that are provided and the effort streamlining and focusing it offers. It helps student to plan their study time table for study to have the maximum coverage. It than allows the students to study according to the created plan using the already provided huge database. The student can verify the knowledge gathered by appearing for self evaluation tests. The analytic reports then help the student to calibrate his skills and identify the strengths and weaknesses. Based on it student can then collaborate with his friends and teachers to bridge the gaps.